Admissions and Dismissals

Your child's presence is the first step to success!

There is no provision for AM childcare, so please do not have students come to school too early. Finletter will not be responsible for student misconduct that occurs before school. Parents are asked to ensure that students do not arrive at school before 8:15 AM unless they are arriving for breakfast between 7:55am – 8:10am.

Students in Kindergarten will eat breakfast in their classrooms at 8:15am.

Students in Grades 1-8 may come to school between 7:55am-8:10am if they choose to eat breakfast at school. They will enter through the back cafeteria door in the MSH. Students who are provided with School District transportation will eat breakfast when they arrive to school.

NO parents/guardians/daycare workers may enter the building during admission unless an appointment has previously been made.

Teachers in grades K-8 will meet their students outside at 8:15 AM.

Kindergarten & 3rd Grade will enter through the LSH Side Door (by rooms A2/A1)

1st & 2nd Grades will enter through the main entrance of the LSH.

Teachers are not available to discuss specific students at this time.

Main School House Admission at 8:15 –  (Students are to enter thru the front doors)

Students (Grades 1-8) who are at breakfast will be sent to their classroom at 8:15am.

Students who do not arrive early for breakfast are to enter the building as follows:

6th & 8th Grades will line up and enter through the back buzzer door

4th, 5th, & 7th Grades will line up and enter through the back recess doors

Little School House Dismissal at 2:54pm

Teachers in Grades K-2 have a special obligation to ensure that a parent, guardian, sibling, or designated adult meets each child. If a student is not picked up, the teacher will escort them to the Main School House office and hand them and the sign-out sheet over to the designated adult who will monitor students until they are picked up.

At 2:54pm, teachers will escort their classes into the schoolyard for dismissal as follows:

Kindergarten & 3rd Grade will enter through the LSH Side Door (by rooms A2/A1)

1st & 2nd Grades will enter through the main entrance of the LSH.

Teachers are not available to conference or discuss specific students at this time.

Main School House Dismissal at 2:54pm

All student are walked all the way outside, off the steps, by their teachers

Students will dismiss as follows:

6th & 8th Grades through the main entrance doors (Front & Godfrey)

4th, 5th, & 7th Grades through the Front and Spencer St doors