Admissions and Dismissals
Your child's presence is the first step to success!
There is no provision for AM childcare, so please do not have students come to school too early. Finletter will not be responsible for student misconduct that occurs before school. Parents are asked to ensure that students do not arrive at school before 8:15 AM unless they are arriving for breakfast between 7:55am – 8:10am.
Students in Kindergarten will eat breakfast in their classrooms at 8:15am.
Students in grades 3-8 may arrive at 7:55AM and report directly to the Little School House Cafeteria for breakfast if they choose. Breakfast will be served for grades 3-8 ONLY from 7:55-8:10 daily, M-F. Breakfast in grades 3-8 will NOT be served in the classroom. Students who arrive via SDP Transportation will eat breakfast in the LSH cafeteria. Students in grades K-2 will eat breakfast daily in their classrooms at 8:15am.
Little School House Admission for K-2: 8:15 AM– Students will enter the building responsibly and respectfully. To ensure a smooth transition, parents/guardians must remain outside. Teachers will meet students at their doors.
- K – Side Door (kinder door)
- 1st, 2nd – LSH Front Entrance
Main Schoolhouse Admission for 3-8: 8:15 AM– Students will enter the building responsibly and respectfully. To ensure a smooth transition, parents/guardians must remain outside. Teachers will meet students at their classroom doors.
To ensure a smooth transition, parents will not be permitted to enter the school building to walk students to the classroom.
School officially begins at 8:15 a.m. Your child will be marked late if they arrive to class after admission doors have been closed. Once late, students enter through the main entrance (whichever applicable: MSH/LSH) and proceed directly to his/her classroom to be marked late. After 8:45 AM, students must sign in late in the main office.
Inclement Weather Admission: Students in K-8 will enter into the LSH Cafeteria no earlier than 7:55am.
Dismissal will take place at 2:54 p.m. The parents/guardians of students in Grades K-2 will be required to sign out their children (signature and ID required) on a daily basis. It is important that you come in person to update the Main Office regarding changes made for those that have permission to pick up your child. Students in grades K-2 will not be permitted to walk home alone. Please ensure that all childcare agencies are fully aware of dismissal times, procedures and expectations; and that the main office has updated contact information, including phone numbers, for the child care agency.
Little School House Dismissal – Teachers will dismiss students into the schoolyard for dismissal where students will be checked out. ALL LSH students must be checked out by the homeroom teacher.
- K – Side Door (kinder door)
- 1, 2 – Cafeteria Door
Main Schoolhouse Dismissal – (All students are supervised and escorted out by their teachers)
- 3rd, 6th, 8th- Front St. (Godfrey Side) Main Doors
- 4th, 5th, 7th – Front St. (Spencer Side) Door
As a consideration for staff who have obligations of their own, all students should be picked up promptly at 2:54 PM. There is district protocol for children who are not picked up on time that involves communication attempts, School District Police, Philadelphia Police, and subsequently DHS.